Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy New Year!

I know most people like to post about the New Year on the 1st, but I like to mix things up.

I call this one 'Broken Wrist New Year's Baby'
Because we are the worst parents ever, we made Judah ring in the new year. It will probably be quite a few years before Judah sees the ball drop again. Of course, we also thought he wouldn't see it this year. So we shall just have to wait and see if our NYE parenting skills improve... or not.

What you see here are bad parents and a tired baby ringing in 2012
Here are my resolutions for 2012:

-Clean the house more often
-Cook meals which are more family friendly... and by that I mean Judah friendly. So, no added sugar or salt. Veggies and meat prepared in pieces that Judah can easily grasp and shove into his mouth.
-Be more mindful of my consumerism (not just because we are living off of one salary, but because we have just way too much stuff)

Here are Judah's resolutions for 2012:

-Learn and use baby sign language
-Routinely sleep through the night (this might just be wishful thinking on my part)
-Nap in crib (not in mom's lap)
-Go to bed when it is bedtime